Quick Hints to take on Heavy Rains!!

Quick Hints to take on Heavy Rains!!

India is land that usually experiences different seasons and it is varied across the nation. Due to the current drastic climatic changes we get to live through unpredicted weather conditions every year ahead. Monsoons are one of the most awaited and cherished days for many kids and adults. The gloomy skies, cool breezy winds, smell of the mud when the first drops hit the ground, the view after the rains, everything about rains are admired. But!!! When the rains go non stop for days it affects the normal lifestyle of the people. Thus it is very crucial to get prepared to whatever extent you can. Here are some quick tips listed to take on the heavy rains.

·       Don’t get yourself wet

·       Step out with raincoats / umbrellas

·       Restrict long travel

·       Unplug Electronic devices

·       Watch your electric lines

·       Guard yourself from Insects

·       Take care of your food habits

·       Avoid taking kids around

·       Educate children on safety measures

·       Stock up basic groceries

·       Be Prepared for electrical shutdown

·       Put together emergency medical kit

·       Don’t Panic

Don’t get yourself wet

Getting wet in the rain is one of the favorites of many. But drenching in the rain often will make you fall sick. So sit under comfortable roofs, make yourself cozy with a book and nice hot coffee in your hands and enjoy your rainy day. Drenching is strictly not advised!

Step out with raincoats / umbrellas

When you get out of your house in necessity, equip yourself with essential gears such as raincoats or umbrellas. Raincoats will cover you from the rain water which is a much better option than the umbrella that keeps you dry and warm. Umbrellas are another option, however chances of you getting wet is more when using an umbrella when the winds are strong.

Restrict long travel

It is extremely unsafe to travel in heavy rains, unnecessary travels must be avoided. Driving vehicles is risky and it is said to drive slowly and carefully following the road rules to the maximum. Make sure you take lanes that are not flooded if given an option as there is a higher possibility of uncertainty in water clogged roads.

Unplug Electronic devices

Unplugging the electronic devices during rains is very important. As all know water is a very good conductor of electricity and also during rainy seasons there are very high chances of load shedding and voltage fluctuations. These situations are dangerous and also damage your electronic devices. So it is better to unplug them and keep them away from windows & doors where there are high possibilities of water entering them.

Watch your electric lines

Watch your electric lines that come to your home or street. Electric lines tend to cut due to heavy rainfall and it is strictly advised not to touch those lines with bare hands as they still conduct electricity. It is very important to notice and intimate the respective officers and get it fixed to avoid any major accidents.

Guard yourself from Insects

Rainy seasons are the best suitable conditions for insects to breed. Stagnant puddles and water collected in waste material are the sources of all kinds of insects. These insects also carry fatal diseases such as dengue, malaria so it is very essential to protect ourselves from this tiny army of bugs & insects. Use insect repellents, apply anti-insect creams, and shut the doors and window so that insects can’t enter the home in possible ways. If the pests are too many it is preferred to go for insecticide spray around the surroundings.

Take care of your food habits

It is very fundamental to take care of our food habits. Due to the climatic change our body also starts to react to the environment so it is our duty to balance our healthy physical state. Cold frozen food or snack items to be avoided especially for kids, consuming outside food is not pretty safe during the rainy season as the water contamination is possible. Taking in herbal organic homemade stuff is apt to improve the body’s immune system to fight against any germs.

Avoid taking kids around

Kids are the most vulnerable during rainy days. Their immune systems are not as strong to fight fatal diseases. By Taking those around you to expose them to various kinds of germs and infectious pathogens, it is right to safeguard our kids inside home.

Educate children on safety measures

Educating the children is also a very prime duty of elders and parents. Children will be hyper enjoying the downpour but at the same time they should know about the safety measures and possible threats they may encounter due to heavy rains. Do & Don’ts of rainy seasons should be trained to the children as they are extra careful and prepared for the rains next time. It also helps kids who get frightened due heavy thunder and lightning thus imparting knowledge on it avoid any mishaps.

Stock up basic groceries

In case of heavy rains it may lead to flooding thus the stores and shops tend to close, total commuting between cities decreases, availability of basic necessities will also be a problem in prolonged rainy seasons. Thus it is smart to predict and stock up vital stuff for the family daily intake so that we can avoid any adversity. Think beforehand to tackle situations.

Be Prepared for electrical shutdown

There are very high chances of Electrical shutdown due to the heavy rains. Be prepared to face the electric failure for hours together as it is important at night to pass in the dark without light. So get your emergency lights charged, have candles at your hand, keep your anti-insect repellent creams by your side and be safe under your roofs in the dark.

Put together emergency medical kit

It is essential to put together a basic medical kit. This must have tablets for fever, common cold, pain balms, bandage, cotton, swabs, disinfectant, antiseptic ointments, plasters etc… A first aid is always the best thing you can do to any situation that might not restrict a small wound to worsen bigger.

Don’t Panic

In case of heavy rains or floods one major thing is not to panic. Adults are the pillars who guide the family; adults panicking in the adverse situation will even make it worse, so it is wise to be patient and do whatever possible and necessary. Panicking might also lead to unnecessary mistakes that can be avoided in a calmer mind state.

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