Are you in the know of SEO A/B TESTING?

Are you in the know of SEO A/B TESTING?

I am pretty sure this diction A/B testing is widespread among the online techies. A/B testing is being practiced habitually by many digital marketers and page owners to design a more optimized funnel with the ultimate goal to stage their websites with a stronger Web presence. There are no set rules to carry through A/B testing; it is an iterative process put into effect in a bunch of domains to spot the best fit. Niche areas where A/B testing plays a key role are title & headings, design & layout, advertising campaigns, email marketing, call to action and there are a lot more that can be added to the bag to try out. SEO is one of the prime branches where A/B testing acts as a catalyst to enhance the search result rankings.

To attempt any A/B testing the 2 major checkpoints to be considered are Backup of the previous version and Hypothesis / Variants to be tested must be determined. SEO A/B testing must be handled with precise heed to the landing pages of the website for distinct results. Especially A/B testing in ON page SEO has huge impacts as it weighs to the Google algorithm for keyword ranking. As cited above, 2 variants (minimum) to be chosen for the testing, but the usage scenarios of these variants make you a smart SEO strategist.

Certain A/B testing applications that add credibility to the website are

  •       Title tags and Meta description -They have explicit impact on the keyword ranking thus drives the click through rate which acts to the benefit of the page.
  •       Effects of including and ignoring Schema Markup to all pages of the site can be witnessed.
  •       Content illustrates the topical knowledge where A/B testing can be enforced to measure the affluence of the content.
  •       Information architecture such as jump links & carousels which depicts the page customization can be compared as it is prioritized by Google bots.
  •       Anchor text and the navigation structure across pages in a website can be verified via multiple fusions of internal links.

Consequently the number of variants considered for SEO A/B testing vary from 2 to many and they can be effectuated to pages in cohorts. They can also be implied when changes are induced in a vast number of pages at once and in times of site migration to find out whether these alterations lead to positive or negative ranking outcomes. Thus & so the fruits of executing SEO A/B testing rely on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results after a set period of time which makes sense to all the efforts on optimizing the webpage.

Reminder folks! Applying SEO A/B testing sporadically doesn’t yield you a bumper, when it is achieved in a regular structured framework it promises statistically significant improvements in your Conversion Rate Optimization pipeline.