What Is Schema? Get Started Step by Step Guide.

What Is Schema? Get Started Step by Step Guide.

Improving your website ranking in a number of ways using schema markup.

Structured data can help you to reach search engines about your business and content.

Understand how to Add Structured Data to Optimizing Your Website.

What is

Structured data is any set of data that is organized in a particular way on a webpage. Adding structures data to our website it helps search engine to rank your website in the case of SEO, and can return accurate results to searchers.

Types of Schema Markups

  1. Organization Schema Markup
  2. Website Schema Markup
  3. Breadcrumbs Markup
  4. Site Navigation Schema Markup
  5. Video Schema Markup
  6. Schema Software Application Markup
  7. E-Commerce Sites
  8. Schema Product & Offer Markup
  9. Schema Rating Markup
  10. Publisher Sites
  11. Schema Article Markup
  12. Local Business Sites
  13. Schema Local Business Markup
  14. Event Sites
  15. Event Schema Markup
  16. Recipe Sites
  17. Recipe Schema Markup
  18. Personal Sites
  19. Schema Person Markup
  20. Medical conditions


After adding these markups data to your site, it will allow a search engine to understand what your site is about. The search engine is then able to showcase this information in SERP’s.

But where do you start?

To generate your own code, you can use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper.

After finishing you can test the code using testing tools.

Schema Testing Tools

If you want to check your code that you’re doing in a right way. Open schema testing tools and test the code. An update version of Structured Data Testing Tool is now in live.

Check here:


Schema Markup Validator

After added schema to your HTML, test the markups using with Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.


It is a new tool based on Google Structured Data Testing Tool (SDTT)

Google will replace the Structured Data testing tool to soon.

The new validator tool is now live running with beta version.

Get started with structured data : 

24062021Structured Data

Sources: Markup Validator, Moz, Searchenginejournal, semrush